Friday, November 26

Interview with Zenith’s Y1B1 Distinction Students

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Pub & Info Bureau of Zenith14 has interviewed our two distinction students. In this article, Nur Hanani (H) and Maryam Sakinah (M) share their experience and tips on how to study and excel in exams. Pub & Info expresses the utmost gratitude towards our two friends, who are willing to make time to share with us. May we learn and obtain some benefits from this article, InsyaAllah.

PnI: How did you feel when you first found out you got distinction?

H: I was very surprised when I got to know my result. I feel very thankful to Allah for this great nikmah. Alhamdulillah.

M: The first person to tell me that I got distinction before I knew it was my elder sister. She SMSed me. I don’t know. I felt kinda glad, but of course, more than anything, I was thankful to Allah.

PnI: What is your method of studying?

Concentrate/focus in classes.
Fully understand all the subjects. If not, try to understand it as soon as possible. Don’t procrastinate.
If I have time, I will do pre-reading.
If possible, I will try to memorise important things in all subjects. (I think all are important!)
Try to recall what I had memorised wherever I go, and whenever I have free time.
Don’t be too stressed during studying. Try to relax a bit by doing anything (e.g: watching movies, take a walk)
Love all subjects! Try to take interest in all subjects.

M: Consistent studying. I prefer to take my time while trying to grasp a point and I kinda hate trying to cramp everything at one time. Well, the funny thing is, I get depressed if I don’t study. Don’t ask why. I organise my time i.e. I have allocated time to study, go out, play games, watch movies, do other useful things. But I plan ahead a lot of things: what subjects I study on which day and I follow my plan. But hey, everyone got their own study styles. Doing compilation should suffice.

PnI: Do you have a study group or a study partner? If so, how do you think your study group/partner has helped you in your studies?

H: I don’t have a specific study group or a study partner. Sometimes I study with my roommates. I feel very happy if anyone asks me questions as it can help me too in studying (when I explain to anyone else, I will understand more and memorise quickly, InsyaAllah)

M: Not really, but if I need help, I’d go ask someone. I do have people who I discuss things with before exams though, especially PBQ and compilation.

PnI: Do you think everyone should have a study group?

H: I think everyone should have a study group. I think the best way to study is by reading the books by yourself first, and then you may discuss the subjects that you don’t fully understand with your group members. Even if you understand something, you should check your understanding with others (you may have understood it wrongly). You can study in a group once or twice a week. However, it depends on the individual him/herself.

M: Do my opinion really matter? Heh, you know yourself better.

PnI: What is your strategy for answering MCQ?

Try to answer compilation questions (IMPORTANT)
For every question, try to answer at least 3 out of 5. Don’t leave it blank (if possible).
Don’t ever answer questions which you aren’t sure of its answer.
Think simply when answering MCQ. Don’t ponder over a question for a long time because it can make you doubt yourself. But don’t be careless!

General rule: If a question is too difficult, the answer is true. If you are confused (as in 50-50, not 70-30), don’t answer. If you feel lucky, be confident. C’est la vie. Pray luck be on your side for MCQ.
Note: I will not be held responsible for failures resulting from applying my tips. Good luck is extremely useful, but your efforts are more important than your luck.

PnI: Any other tips or advice for your friends?

During exam period, increase your ibadah and seek help from Allah all the time.
Don’t waste your time on unbeneficial things.
Get blessings from your parents and lecturers. Blessings from them are very important.
Before entering the exam hall, calm yourself by reciting surah Al-Insyirah and other prayer/dua. Avoid being too nervous.

M: Please do your best, no matter what. Because of one thing: you are a Muslim. You should do your best. Raise the standard of the Muslim ummah. You may feel that preclinical studies won’t matter much for your career, but there are reasons why course coordinators put these subjects in your studies. You know, even if you are a janitor, you have to do your best. You have a role to play. Spend time doing things you enjoy but don’t ditch studying. And most importantly, don’t forget to pray, because in the end, it is Allah who decides what you get.

H: That’s all from me I hope my advice and tips will be useful to help all my friends in studying and facing examination. However, the most important thing is blessing from Allah as only Allah can help us. InsyaAllah... =)

M: On a final note, Uhibbukum fillah =)

Pub & Info Bureau also wishes the best of luck to all Zenith members for the upcoming minitest. Please do your best and pray for guidance and help from Allah SWT. Thank you for reading this. Wassalam.

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