Tuesday, May 17

Stress Assessment Survey

Stress Assessment Survey
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Dear brothers and sisters of Zenith, we from Group C would like you to spend some of your precious time to answer our survey. This survey is necessary for our research regarding Stress and Stressors among IIUM Medical students.

This form consists of 3 parts. Do not take your time too much answering any one of these question. You are expected to spend about 10 minutes to complete this survey. Please be willing to complete this form. Your kindness and cooperation is truly appreciated. May Allah bless you all.

If the link above does not work, please GO HERE and click SAS to begin the survey.

Please complete the questionnaire before 22 May 2011, Midnight. The deadline has been postponed to 24 May 2011, Tuesday.

Please answer as truthfully and honestly as possible. Thank you very much =)

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