Friday, April 22

Tada!! :D

Assalamualaikum to my very awesome and beloved Zenith people!

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

I'm sure many of you are surprised with the new look of our blog - really sorry about that. I practically forgot that PnI is in charge of it and brother Gapa is the boss. Really sorry, to Gapa and to PnI people. I seriously thought that everyone can play with it. But thank God Gapa is very forgiving and he didn't mind me messing up his blog design. Heehee Gapa you're too nice.

The purpose of me messing up this place is because I realized that, as time goes on and we're getting more and more blog posts, it's kinda difficult gain access to the particular post you want. So I tagged each and every post. Yes, sitting here the WHOLE day tagging. Plus, I've standardized the tags. But I swear I didn't change the content of the posts.

To summarize, here is a few new features of the new blog look:
1. Tags
2. "Microbiology" design with handwritten fonts (Gapa said it looks more personal)
3. Right at the very very bottom, there are 3 sections for the links we need: on Medic, on Islam, on Miscellaneous

    OK I want to explain about the links. We follow other Medic and religious blogs and we sometimes post the links on our Zenith fb. They're useful. So I practically dug up all the fb posts on Zenith, searched for suitable links and put them here. So we don't have to dig up old posts to search for a particular link.  InsyaAllah useful.

Hope you guys can enjoy. At least, don't be upset about me being too enthusiastic changing the blog. Sorry la, ok?

Happy holidays.


  1. huhu..u r tooo smangat la x pe at least maliya concern about the blog compare to others yg just ignored it..nice job =) n selamat menjaga talhah 2..hehe

    p/s: asal ade B. coli kt situ???

  2. B. coli tu... It's a secret between Gapa and I. But I think many people know la. Nothing fishy. I tinggal kat M4 nie. Asyik buat benda lagho je. Usik usik blog tu macam mengelakkan diri saya daripada buat benda lagho. :P

  3. owh ye ke..huhu...its okay maliya u can do u'r pre reading for the next block =P

  4. Tak nak la... I hate stats.

  5. huhu...stat besstttt la..positive2....

  6. no worries..this is surely helpful for all of us. thanks 4 ur effort. u know, this is what i like most in this batch; u guys don't wait for instruction to make up things. keep up the innovative instinct!!

  7. Check out the Normal Range Values at the left side - insyaAllah useful for PBL (even though it's 5 months away........)
    InsyaAllah together we improve - don't forget to share all your treasures of knowledge - you'll get MORE!! :D
