Saturday, April 30

week 1 time table


  1. Can we say the timetable is packed? And it's until 5pm for God's sake? xD

  2. It's soooooooooo scary,,,,, i'm not coming
    God! what an awful birthday it will be :(

  3. OK here's a few pieces of info's I got from the seniors I'm living with. Maybe you guys know more than I do but still I think it's worth sharing. And hopefully these info's could give us a warm-up so the moment we go into the class we won't feel blur.

    1. Be punctual and disciplined. Especially this block.
    2. Be prepared for lecturers that don't give notes - you have to download them and they can't be printed. :O
    3. Be prepared for large amount of IT stuff, like using weird softwares, websites, etc.
    4. Some lecturers may randomly call people up to answer questions. Random as in REALLY RANDOM.
    5. Be cooperative in group works, because the lecturers in the end will ask you to name who's cooperative and who's not, whom you like to work with and whom you don't. Something like that ah.
    6. In conclusion, this block is like heaven (according to seniors) and the exam is more heaven comparing to the previous blocks.
    7. P/S: Minitest exists, in 3rd week maybe. And there's study week before EBE as usual.

    I hope I'm not giving the wrong infos. :D

  4. Thank you Sofea, for conveying senior's tips. I'm happy to know that the exam is heaven ^^

  5. yeah, julia's right...thanks maliya, is it going to be packed for the whole block?

  6. Hey sis J. Welcome sis J. Hey Aishah. Welcome sis Aishah.

    Yeah it's going to be packed for the whole block. But there is space to adjust - the afternoon sessions sometimes are meant for research, so some people just go back and sleep and do their research at night (in groups la). Personally I don't prefer doing work at night because I tend to be extra sleepy and irritable. :P
